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Registered Public Trust No E3363\Vadodara

The Cosmic Centre will treat diseases using Cosmic rays from specific planets in an advanced solarium.

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Cosmic Centre assists mankind through the combination of ancient Vedic wisdom and modern science.

 modern science of Cosmology and Vedic science

Cosmic Centre promotes and encourages research and education in the fields of modern cosmology and Vedic science.

stress-free healthy life

Cosmic Centre provides guidance and tools for career enhancement and stability, as well as for living a stress-free, healthy life.

solving common psychological, mental and physical problems

Cosmic Centre helps solve common psychological, mental, and physical issues using ancient Vedic knowledge and modern science, promoting lasting peace, joy, and happiness.

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Research in Cosmology & Cosmic Science

  • The Centre encourages and performs research and development projects in the field of Cosmic science using modern equipments and tools.
  • The state of the art well equipped laboratory with modern instructions will be established to observe Cosmic rays that effect earth and human life by learned scientists to study their effects on earth and human life. These scientists will represent various fields of modern science such as Medicine, Biology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics, and Computer Science.
  • The Centre will also conduct primary research projects to test planetary influences on humans, plants and animals.
  • The state of the art Solarium will be established and developed to cure various diseases by using essential, quality Cosmic rays extracted from the specific planets.
  • Roofs and ceilings of each individual rooms of the Solarium will be constructed with unique colored glasses, in such a way that the Cosmic rays of certain amounts from the individual planet can pass through the colored glass roofs and ceilings and treat, heal and cure individual’s problems.
Research in Cosmology & Cosmic Science
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Oriental Science

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Indian Vedic science is known to be the oldest science in the world. Its antiquity is believed to be of more than 5000 years B.C. The Centre will conduct research projects and educational courses in various fields of Vedic and Oriental sciences. The knowledge of Vedic science in its entirety and wisdom will be tested with respect to modern science and inventions. The Centre will also encourage the scholars from various knowledge fields of Vedic Science in order to establish effective tools to solve mental, physical and materialistic problems of today’s world.

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Vedic Science

Vedic Science

The Centre will construct and develop Huts by using natural earthy materials such as yellow, red, and black clay, dry grass, leaves, bamboos, coconut shreds, cow manure for natural cooling with an anti-bacterial atmosphere for meditation that will help rejuvenate life and cure disease by naturopathy, meditation, yoga, ayurveda, and ancient therapies.

Yagna Shalas will be constructed by using the same concepts of ancient huts. These schools will be used during different times of the days and months by the Vedic scholars where enchantments of the Shlokas will roar the holy atmosphere to meditate and cure certain ailments.

Vedic Science
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Time to time, the Centre will forecast the celestial effects on earth such as weather and natural calamities and on humans such as mind and body. The Centre will observe all solar and celestial events and test their effects on the life of the earth (Humans, Plants, and Animals). These forecasts will be made by using combination of Occult, Vedic, Cosmic, and Modern science that will be more accurate and effective and will become an essential tool for us by means of prevention and cure.

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Solarium of Jamnagar

Solarium of Jamnagar

The solarium on the M P Shah Medical College campus in Jamnagar was built on the initiative of the ruler of Nawanagar state, cricketer Ranjitsinghi who happened to have got the idea after a visit to the solarium in Paris. It was designed by a French engineer, Dr Jean Saidman, and was operational from 1934.

Known as the Ranjit Institute of Poly-Radio Therapy, the solarium is 40 feet tall and the 10 treatment rooms are located in the rotating top section, which is 114 feet long and takes an hour to rotate fully. Maximal light exposure can be ensured by rotation.

"Some of the treatment rooms were equipped with filters which allowed through only rays of wavelengths considered suitable for the various diseases treated here. The lenses concentrated the light to two and a half times its natural intensity. The patients had to stay in the room for a stipulated period of time to get the full benefit of the treatment," says radiologist Dr Neela Baxi, whose father Dr K Baxi was the first Indian radiologist employed at the solarium.

A detailed photographic library provides before and after views of people treated for various conditions including, tonsils, sty, lymphoid hyperplasias, tuberculosis, leprosy and several skin conditions.

Our centre will not built another solarium but would research on the solarium pattern treatment project collecting data from various sources and analyse data to find out the important of solar rays in human wellness.

Solarium of Jamnagar
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Article - The process of implementing new Ideas in India

There is no dearth of ideas for the improvement of the country in our country, people sitting on the teapot on the road will show new ideas that do this or that should be done.

But in democracy, if any idea is to be implemented at the ground level, then that idea should match the following parameters.

  • First of all, that idea should be relevant to the real problems of the country and the happiness and progress of its people.
  • It should be taking into account the next 100 years.
  • It should not burn the dry grass and create new problems in the future.
  • It should be neutral and observed from the aspects of all merits and demerits.
  • Should be a permanent solution to the current challenges.
  • It should be a fortified idea that can be protected from corruption and scams.
Technologically Feasible
The process of implementing new Ideas in India

An idea should always be

  • Politically Expectable
  • Financially Viable
  • Socially Desirable
  • Administratively Doable
  • Technologically Feasible
  • Judicially Tenable

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